Reuters: Food Crisis

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

microGREENFUND: Financing the People by the Power of the People!

microGREENFUND: Advancing Social Equality and Environmental Sustainability in Indonesia.

Our findings and field research looks at how microfinance--the provision of small loans and other financial services to people not considered credit worthy by traditional financial institutions--can be used to advance environmental sustainability as well as social equality and empowerment in Indonesia.  

Its  starts out by explaining the philosophical approach that We applied to problem, namely, that to create a green economy in Indonesia we need to ensure that all segments of society are engaged on environmental issues through entrepreneurship, jobs, investment opportunities and a sense that environmental problems are relevant to people’s lives.  

The rest of the findings explores how microfinance can accomplish those goals through 

1) supporting ‘green collar entrepreneurs’--low and moderate-income individuals who want to start or expand green micro and small businesses, 

2) by providing environmental education to all borrowers so that they are empowered to become civic leaders advocating for policy changes, organizing community events, and starting businesses that improve environmental quality, and 

3) by providing loans for residential energy-efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to homeowners that wouldn’t ordinarily be able to partake in these types of programs due to problems with credit history or other barriers.

Please feel free to comment and share your findings along with your ideas at

microGREENFUND Process Flow: beta version (c) Darmawan Consulting 2010..

microGREENFUND Process Flow: beta version.

Kami mengundang dan mengharapkan masukan dan ide dari semua pihak yang tertarik dan secara sukarela ingin turut serta di dalam proses microGREENFUND dan GREENFUND kami.

Please feel free to share any ideas and organizational input for our microGREENFUND and GREENFUND process.

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Please feel free to send your comment or request to the email above. We share any ideas and input.

microGREENFUND Process Flow: beta version. 05/10/2010 (c) Darmawan Consulting.

microGIFT 2.0 (Sumbangan langsung atas pembelian lewat situs ini).

@Darmawan Consulting akan langsung mendonasikan 97,5% hasil keuntungan dari penjualan yang di lakukan lewat situs ini kepada lembaga pengelola dan penyalur kredit mikro.

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Selasa, 28 September 2010


A private initiative incubated at

The microGREENFUND will be established to financially assist registered community groups and organizations that are primarily concerned with and engaged in activities related to the remediation – remedying environmental damage, reforestation – replanting with trees and conversation of the environment – preservation of the natural environment and wildlife also urban area waste management.